Rizvan Malik

ESG Sustainability & Enterprise Risk Advisor


Phone: +44 207 998 3423
Mobile: +7919 072 862

About Me:

Rizvan is the founder and managing partner of Sustainable Factors™ and has spent 20+ years as an interim management consultant delivering enterprise risk programmes and leading global teams within the financial services sector. He currently advises clients on the complexities of climate risk and supports them in their TCFD alignment strategy and wider enterprise risk initiatives. Over the past year, Rizvan has engaged with ESG leaders to understand the key pain-points around their sustainability goals. As a result, he has developed a proprietary tool where organisations can get comprehensive insights into the maturity of their alignment with TCFD disclosures guidance. The TCFD Alignment Maturity Assessment promises effective alignment, precision in strategy, empowered thinking and confidence in disclosures. It is now gaining the support and positive critique of industry leaders and he welcomes conversations to identify and deliver your sustainability strategy.

How I can help you:

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Inception, design and execution of your sustainability initiatives.

  • TCFD alignment: TCFD alignment strategy, TCFD alignment maturity (Read my full article here).

  • GRESB alignment: Coordination, investigations and completion of the Management, Performance and Development components of your GRESB Benchmark Assessment.

  • Materiality assessment: Help your organisation formulate their materiality topics and manage their data aggregation priorities. Conversant with context based materiality and the sustainability quotient.

  • Coordinate sustainability framework/standards: Select and align with the ISSB, GRI, CDP frameworks to deliver adoption of ESG standards.

  • ESG Data Sourcing / Cloud-Hosting (as an AWS Partner) / Modelling & Coordinating ESG data requirements for analytics and insights.

  • Enterprise Risk: Risk Analytics, Stress Testing, Regulatory Transformation, Capability Maturity & Benchmarking.

  • Business Transformation: Organisational governance, controls, scenario planning, stakeholder, risk, resource and benefits management controls.


  • TCFD framework alignment and maturity assessment

  • ESG Strategy & Transformation Pathway

  • ESG Data, Diagnostics & Maturity Scores

  • Enterprise Risk Data Transformation


  • MBA (Corporate Finance)

  • CFA ESG Certification

  • MSP (Practitioner)

  • CDSB / GARP Short TCFD certifications

Previous Clients:

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